How does a strike begin?
Employees or employers may initiate industrial actions when a collective agreement is not in force. Industrial actions are usually initiated during negotiations for a new collective agreement.
If employees go on a strike, their trade union must notify the employer and the National Conciliator’s Office at least 2 weeks before the strike begins. The notification must include the grounds for the strike, its start time and its scope.
Employees can also initiate a political strike to have an influence on political decision makers. A notice of a political strike must be issued in advance, and the maximum duration of a political strike is 24 hours.
Employees can also go on a sympathy strike. The aim of a sympathy strike is to help employees in another industry to reach an agreement. Sympathy strikes must also be notified in advance.
A union branch, personnel association or trade union may be ordered to pay fines for unlawful industrial action and for failing to comply with their duty to supervise compliance with the collective agreement.