The European Union affects the Finnish legislation on working life
Legislation or changes to agreements regulating work in Finland are often made because the European Union (EU) prepares a new agreement related to labour. After the EU adopts the agreement, the work is continued in the Member States. In Finland, SAK and the other trade union confederations and employers’ confederations participate in this work.
European labour-market-related confederations have the power to negotiate and agree on matters proposed by the European Commission. If an agreement is reached, the content of the agreement can be adopted by an EU Directive.
This cooperation and negotiations between the confederations is called social dialogue. Agreements formed in social dialogue are available on
SAK’s working life page.
FinUnions represents Finnish employees and trade unions in the EU
SAK and STTK have a joint representative body in Brussels,
FinUnions. FinUnions is tasked with safeguarding the interests of Finnish employees and informing Finnish organisations about the activities and decisions of the EU.
FinUnions keeps an eye on labour market issues in EU institutions in cooperation with the confederations and trade unions representing Finnish employees. FinUnions also cooperates with the European labour movement umbrella organisation ETUC.