Trade union confederations and employers’ confederations
Trade unions and employers’ associations are organisations representing employees and employers.
In the Finnish labour market system, the social partners of the labour market – trade unions and employers’ associations – agree on the terms and conditions of employment. Trade unions in Finland belong to one of three employees’ confederations and employers’ associations to one of four employers’ confederations. Collectively the trade unions and employees’ confederations form the trade union movement.
Finnish trade unions and trade union confederations also have a say in what kinds of labour laws are made in Finland. They work with the Finnish Government and the Parliament, for example.

Updated 04.02.2025

Trade union confederations
Employees are represented by three confederations, whose members are trade unions from different industries.
Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK)
SAK represents employees working in manufacturing, transport and the private service sector, culture and sports, and employees in the public sector, such as people working in factories, municipal employees, retail and restaurant workers, cleaners and bus drivers.
Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland (Akava)
Akava represents employees with university, professional or other high-level education, such as teachers, masters of science and economists.
Among other things, STTK represents experts working in factories, day care centres, nursing homes, hospitals and banks.
Employers’ confederations
Employers are represented by 4 confederations whose members are employers’ associations from different industries.
Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK)
EK represents employer companies in the private service sector, such as cleaning and property management services, a range of manufacturing industries, retail, and the tourism and restaurant sectors, for example.
Local Government and County Employers (KT)
KT represents municipalities as employers. It negotiates on employment terms and conditions, such as salaries, with the trade unions representing municipal employees.
State Employer’s Office (VTML)
VTML represents the state as an employer. It negotiates on employment terms and conditions, such as salaries, with the trade unions representing state employees.
Commission for Church Employers (KiT)
KiT represents the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and its parishes as employers and negotiates with the trade unions representing church employees.

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