Iska ilaali xadgudubka goobta shaqada
Loo shaqeeyaha ayaa si dembi ah uga faa’iidaysanaya shaqaalahooda haddii ay, tusaale ahaan,
Haddii aad ka shakisan tahay ka faa’iidaysiga shaqada dembiilaha, la xidhiidh booliiska ama Taageerada Dhibbanaha ee Finland. Waxaad si qarsoodi ah ula xiriiri kartaa Taageerada Dhibbanaha Finland si aad u raadsato talo ku saabsan sidii aad u sii wadi lahayd. U dir iimayl ama wac +358 40 632 9293 (farimaha qoraalka iyo WhatsApp sidoo kale way shaqeeyaan).
Xaaladda ka ganacsiga dadka, wac +358 295 463 177 ( (Nidaamka Caawinta Dhibanayaasha ka ganacsiga dadka).
Macluumaad dheeraad ah:
Boolis: Gudbi warbixinta booliiska: Ingiriis/Finnish
Taageerada Dhibbanaha ee Finland: Ingiriis/Finnish
Nidaamka Caawinta Dhibanayaasha Ka ganacsiga Dadka: Ingiriis/Finnish
Haddii aad tahay dhibbanaha ka faa’iidaysiga loo-shaqeeyaha oo dayacankoodu uu yahay mid muhiim ah, waxaad codsan kartaa ogolaansho dheer ama shahaado si aad u bedesho loo shaqeeyaha. Waa inaad haysataa ruqsada degenaanshada Finland oo ay ku jirto xaqa shaqo.
Macluumaad dheeraad ah:
Adeegga socdaalka ee Finland: Ingiriis/Finnish

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